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This website has not been updated since 2020.

Preaching Concentration

To broaden your knowledge, enhance preaching skills, and more--join a new cohort with intensives to begin in March 2021; application deadline is January 15. Dr. Hyveth Williams gives dynamic guidance as coordinator for this concentration.


Chaplaincy Concentration

Offered in partnership with AdventHealth, this cohort offers the opportunity of working toward qualifications for ACPE certified educator status concurrently with DMin studies. Drs. Anna Galeniece of SDATS and Vaughan Grant of AdventHealth will serve as concentration co-coordinators. Application deadline is August 6, 2021; intensives begin October 5.


Ministerio Urbano Concentracion

La concentración en el Ministerio Urbano en el DMin prepara a hombres y mujeres para cumplir con los mandatos de enseñanza y discipulado de la comisión del evangelio, especialmente enfocándose en las personas que viven en entornos urbanos. La fecha límite de solicitud para la cohorte 2020 es el 7 de julio de 2020.


Please see the Andrews University Bulletin for more information about this program and about other Seminary and Andrews University programs and policies.